Social Selling on LinkedIn: Case Studies and Best Practices
What is Social Selling?
Social Selling is the development of a personal profile on social media for the purpose of attracting potential customers, partners, and employees.
    • 1
      Posts on social media
      We create content and post it on our expert's page and in relevant groups.
    • 2
      Direct messages
      We communicate with representatives of the target audience.
    • 3
      Comments and reactions
      We comment and like posts on the pages of representatives of the target audience and in communities, and also respond to comments on the expert's page
    • 4
      Lead generation mechanics
      We share information about our product/service and ask potential customers if they are interested in them. This approach shows quite a high conversion rate, as LinkedIn users value their time and are not ready to start communicating "from afar".
    Social Selling Algorithm

    How does lead nurturing work?

    As your posts appear in the potential client's newsfeeds on social media, they will gradually come to remember your expertise and you as a person. Then they will engage with you and will start trusting you.

    After this, potential clients will express interest in the product or service, tell you what they need, and evaluate how well your offer meets their needs.

    Several case studies from ModumUp's experience

    1. Delivery services

    • Duration

      8 months
    • Geography

      Chile, Peru
    • Target Audience

      e-commerce directors and managers, and courier services
    • Results

      1,601 potential customers/partners in the database; 137 interested; 40 leads and 4 closed deals.
    • Hello!

      %company% provides XXX on the same day and the next day. We are now looking for new opportunities in Chile and would like to offer you a partnership 🙂

      What we offer:


      If you are interested in the offer, we can schedule a call to discuss the details. What do you think? 🙂
    • Hola!

      %company% brindamos XXX en el mismo día y al día siguiente. Ahora estamos buscando nuevas oportunidades en Chile y nos gustaría ofrecerle una asociación 🙂

      Lo que ofrecemos:


      Si está interesado en la oferta, podemos programar una Ilamada y discutir los detalles. ¿Qué piensa? 🙂
    How we started communication: in the case of Latin American countries, it is best to communicate with potential customers in their local language. In the message template, we immediately expressed an interest in forming a partnership and offered to arrange a call. Moreover, we also indicated what our advantages are in the message.

    What did work:
    • A partnership-focused message
    • Regular follow-ups on LinkedIn for those who had ceased responding.

    2. A Cloud Service Platform

    • Duration

      10 months
    • Geography

      USA, Germany, UK, Netherlands, France, Israel, UAE, Saudi Arabia
    • Target Audience

      senior and top managers from IT startups and companies
    • Results

      3,422 potential customers/partners in the database, 28 leads and 1 invitation to an international conference
    • Dear %name%,

      Thanks for connecting! I'm glad to be a part of your professional network and would love to get to know you.

      My name is XXX. I'm %position% at %company %. This is where I share ideas about the effective management of large scalable teams, business concepts, and some additional topicsI hope you'll enjoy.

      Always happy to exchange opinions and experiences so we can learn from each other.


    How we started communication: We decided not to use any selling messages with the client as we managed a top-manager profile. We reached out to potential clients, politely talked about ourselves, and left room for networking.

    What did work:
    • Sincere content with personal and family photos. Talk about the joys of fatherhood
    • Posts about team members and their career development, using storytelling and employees' personal photos
    • HR-related posts
    • Posts about building and managing scalable teams

    3. A Video Analytics System

    • Duration

      4 months
    • Geography

      Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines
    • Target Audience

      System Integrators' Top Managers
    • Results

      841 potential clients and partners in the database, 70 interested and 36 leads
    • Dear %name%,

      Thank you for connecting! I hope you're doing well!

      I'm Julia from XXX. We represent YYY technology. And as a technological partner, we work with companies that solve challenges in the AAA sectors.

      Could we have a call to discuss our potential partnership?
    How we started the communication: we communicated with potential clients about the technology and suggested to discuss further cooperation on the phone or in person.

    What did work:
    • Many follow-up messages: more likely to reply after receiving 3-4 messages
    • People responded more often to messages in English than in local languages
    • Short scripts offering partnership but not overloaded with extra details

    4. A platform for route planning

    • Duration

      4 months
    • Geography

    • Target Audience

      e-commerce managers in logistics and retail
    • Results

      855 potential clients and partners in the database, 51 interested, 16 leads
    • Hello, dear %name%,
      Thanks for connecting!

      Would you like to reduce the average cost per order by up to 25%? (increase the efficiency of their couriers and logisticians)

      Our company - YYY - helps customers from retail, courier services, FMCG, and e-commerce solve delivery tasks with our high-end route planning algorithm.

      Companies such as AAA, BBB, CCC, and many others, successfully use our AI-driven solution for AAA. I see a great opportunity to collaborate with MMM and would be grateful to discuss potential partnerships.

      I'm attaching a one-pager with a short description of our solution.
      I can send you a more detailed presentation and schedule a call if this resonates with you.
    How we started the communication: we immediately drew attention to the possibility of reducing clients' costs, and in the end offered to send a presentation of our project and organize a call.

    What did work:
    • A direct approach containing a proposal in the first message
    • Posts with success stories and personal achievements that LinkedIn users enjoy reading
    • Publications with personal photos
    • Posts about company events and photos from them

    5. Workflow Automation

    • Duration

      3 months
    • Geography

      UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt
    • Target Audience

      Financial Managers from Medium and Large Companies in sectors such as e-commerce, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing
    • Results

      2,266 potential clients and partners in the database, 186 interested, 24 leads
    • Message 1
      Hello %name%,
      I hope you're doing well.
      I have a quick question for you.

      Message 2
      Thank you for replying!
      Our team automates document processing.

      Our service allows us to speed up the processing of incoming commercial documents 8-10 times compared to traditional methods. It reduces manual and routine working time exponentially.

      I'll be happy to have a brief chat to talk about our solution and show you how it works. Can we schedule a Zoom meeting?
    How we started the communication: target audience representatives responded to the initial brief greeting and then received detailed information about our services. Thanks to the first response, it was easier for them to respond to subsequent messages.

    What did work:
    • A short message with a question
    • Posts with success stories and personal achievements that LinkedIn users enjoy reading
    • Polls in relevant groups and further communication in messages with those who voted
    • Market research via interviews with the target audience representatives

    6. Performance marketing agency

    • Duration

      3 months
    • Geography

    • Target Audience

      top managers of medium and large companies from service, e-commerce, medical, banking, and construction sectors
    • Results

      590 potential customers/partners in the database, 10 interested and 11 leads
    • Hello %Name%,

      Thanks for connecting!

      Our founder Name couldn't stop talking about %Company Name% during our weekly meeting and asked me to reach out to you :)

      I work at XXX, a growth marketing agency. We help various organizations like AAA, BBB, CCC, and DDD come up with efficient advertising by using our experiences in %different areas of marketing%.

      I've attached our case studies where you can find more information about our services.Are you interested? Let's have a chat 🙂
    How we started the communication: in the US market, the target audience representatives receive a lot of spam, so it is important to target them precisely and have a clear message.

    What did work:
    • Informal tone of voice
    • Networking through commenting on performance marketing influencers' posts

    7. A Logistics Company

    • Duration

      4 months
    • Geography

    • Target Audience

      Directors of large marketplaces and local stores
    • Results

      1,206 potential customers/partners, 69 interested and 34 leads
    • Merhaba %name%,Thanks for connecting! / I hope you are doing well!

      %name% here from XXX - a leading international logistics company based in @city name@ with 20+ years of experience 🙂

      I recently discovered @country name@ consumers really like your products, so I thought this connection could benefit us both.

      We help e-commerce businesses enter the XXX market, localize their services, and provide last-mile delivery all over the region.

      Would you mind giving me a hint on who is the best person in your company to talk to about a potential partnership in the @country name@ market?

    How we started the communication: we used a direct approach and offered a partnership. We also wrote a greeting and farewell in Turkish - this is important for the local audience.

    What did work:
    • In the first message, we greet and say goodbye in the local language
    • Informal congratulations on national holidays and achievements
    • Posts about the company's achievements, awards and new projects

    Important Details

    When sending a connection request on LinkedIn, we have found that requests without a welcome message tend to be more effective. The mere presence of a message may suggest to the recipient that it could be spam, a common occurrence on LinkedIn. Therefore, if you send a "blank" request without a message, a potential client is more likely to visit your profile and make a decision based on whether to accept the request. That is why it is important to fill your page with content that helps others understand you better as a professional and as a person. On average, our connection requests are accepted by approximately 40% of the target audience representatives.
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