ANCOR Ambassadors: How to Develop Employer Brand on Social Media
How ANCOR Motivated Employees to Maintain Personal Profiles on Social Media to Develop the Employer Brand and Achieved Reach with 13,000+ Candidates — A Case Study by the Social Selling Agency ModumUp.

ANCOR provides recruitment, HR outsourcing, and personnel consulting services. The company made the decision to strengthen its HR brand and enhance its image as a desirable employer. To accomplish these objectives, ANCOR organized several workshops featuring the Deputy CEO for Corporate Training and the Director of the Marketing and Public Relations Department. Additionally, they launched a brand ambassador program on social media in collaboration with the agency ModumUp.
We chose to give our employees the opportunity to become ambassadors of our company: to promote ANCOR's mission and values among colleagues, participate in corporate events and external activities representing the company, as well as develop their personal brand and promote the staffing team as an employer on social media
Anna Yakovleva
Employer Brand Development Manager, ANCOR
Participant Selection
The organizers of the ANCOR ambassador program implemented a meticulous three-stage participant selection process over a span of one and a half months. This process encompassed an application submission, a test task, and an interview. The aim was to ensure the program's efficacy and identify participants who would continue to develop their profiles independently following the program's conclusion.

As a result, a diverse team of 22 participants was assembled, hailing from various cities and departments
Situation and Sincerity: How to effectively communicate about your company's activities on social media.
It was crucial for the organizers to equip participants with the best practices and tools for developing personal profiles on social networks. Therefore, the ambassador program commenced with a support group, or mentoring from the ModumUp agency. The program featured four workshops, practical tasks after each session, and personalized feedback for each participant
1. Positioning on Social Networks
During this stage, we covered the following topics:
  • Creating profiles on LinkedIn
  • Positioning on social networks: roles, account management styles, the big idea
To establish trust on social networks, it is crucial to present oneself from various angles, not just as a professional but also as a person. Participants were asked to consider how they wanted to portray themselves on social networks. For instance, they were encouraged to showcase their expertise, practical industry experience, discuss ANCOR projects, events, or training, as well as share personal aspects such as hobbies and interests.
A slide from the ModumUp workshop on role positioning for managing your social media profile
The participants also selected social media behaviors that align with their personal preferences and values.

It is crucial to maintain consistency between one's online presence and real-life image on social networks
A slide from the ModumUp workshop on positioning about behavior styles in social media
The participants formulated goals for the development of their personal profiles, identified and described segments of their target audience, developed their positioning, and designed their personal pages on LinkedIn.
2. Content
During the second stage, we discussed the following:
  • Content trends in social networks in 2023
  • Effective and ineffective types of posts
  • Expert and personal content: the balance on LinkedIn
  • Post formats and design: options and tools available
  • Hashtags on LinkedIn
  • Risky post topics
  • Handling negativity: an anti-crisis guide
  • Strategies for promoting the employer brand on social networks
We also talked about the frequency of content publication and emphasized that only consistent and regular posting yields results. It is important to publish posts 1-3 times per week to maintain audience attention and assist social media algorithms in promoting personal profiles.
A slide from the ModumUp workshop on content regarding the frequency of content publishing on social media
We also discussed another way to capture and engage the audience on personal profiles: the use of varied content formats and post designs. This includes incorporating polls, expert videos, infographics, GIFs, original artwork, screenshots, photographs, and more. By diversifying the formats and visual elements of the posts, individuals can maintain audience interest and increase engagement on their personal profiles.
A slide from the ModumUp workshop on content regarding the frequency of content publishing on social media
The participants prepared the percentage distribution of roles in their profiles, created a content plan for the next month, and wrote two posts for their personal pages.
3. Growing Target Audience and Engaging with the Audience
During this stage, we covered the following topics:
  • Growing the target audience on LinkedIn
  • Methods of finding HR specialists, journalists, event organizers, and influencers
  • Specifics and techniques of engaging with the audience
We shared various methods of audience discovery, including internal searches within social networks, connecting with target audience members who are already in your network, using external lists, seeking recommendations, joining thematic groups, and utilizing hashtags.

We also discussed different ways to engage with the target audience on LinkedIn. In addition to the standard likes, comments, and shares, building relationships with the audience can be achieved through thoughtful comments, personal messages, congratulations, and skill endorsements. These actions enhance trust and credibility with your audience.
A slide from the ModumUp workshop on audience growth and engagement on LinkedIn about options for interacting with the audience on LinkedIn
As a result, the participants identified representatives from different segments of their target audience and sent them friend requests. They calculated the Connection Rate (the percentage of accepted requests) for each segment of their target audience. Moreover, they interacted with the audience using various methods, including likes, comments, skill endorsements, birthday wishes, and congratulating them on new job positions.
4. Networking with the Target Audience
During the final stage, we discussed:
  • Mechanics of networking in posts and personal messages
  • Methods of finding HR specialists, journalists, event organizers, and influencers
  • Working in thematic groups: analysis and community opportunities

  • To initiate a conversation with a representative of the target audience through messaging, you can introduce yourself, ask the other person to share about themselves, pose a professional question, compliment their post, or request feedback on your own content (for an engaged audience).
By employing these networking strategies, participants were able to establish connections, engage in meaningful conversations, and build relationships with members of their target audience.
A slide from the ModumUp workshop on networking in social media about ways to introduce yourself to the target audience in correspondence
Since a large portion of ANCOR employees are HR specialists, we also discussed the differences between posting job vacancies on specialized job sites and personal pages.

On social media, it is essential to focus more on showcasing the company, the tasks involved, and the opportunities available for candidates, rather than solely emphasizing the requirements (although a link to the vacancy can be included). Job vacancies can be presented creatively, and a call to action can be added at the end of the post.
Gamification and Increasing Engagement
To enhance the participants' engagement, we regularly shared useful materials in a Telegram chat and provided reminders about assignments. Additionally, we developed a ranking system to incentivize participants to complete tasks in a timely manner.

During each session, we posed questions to the participants and conducted a quick poll at the end of the meeting. The ambassadors acquired skills in developing their personal profiles on social media, applied them in practice, and developed a habit of regularly working on their personal profile development.
It was a pleasure to work with the ANCOR team! It was particularly delightful to see their genuine enthusiasm for the project, their authentic love for the company, and their serious approach. Some even scheduled 30 minutes a day in their calendars to systematically engage in Social Selling :)
Angelika Minina
Lead Mentor for the Social Selling Group at ModumUp
Defense of graduation projects
At the conclusion of the program, the participants had a graduation party where they presented the outcomes of their work and received gifts for their active involvement.
Photo from the graduation project defense at the ANCOR office.
I'm glad I was selected for the ambassador program. It's been an amazing learning experience, a serious brain boost, with a wealth of educational content, tight deadlines, and a lot of excitement leading up to the graduation event. For those who didn't make it into the first cohort but have a deep love for ANCOR and a desire to talk about it, I highly recommend joining our team
Vladimir Osmankin
Recruitment Department Manager at ANCOR
The ANCOR team continues to develop the Employee Advocacy program for its employees. They conduct workshops for their ambassadors, share new valuable materials, facilitate knowledge sharing among participants, and track the effectiveness of the program.
Results of the Ambassador Mentoring Program on Social Media
  • The participants collectively added 3,000 representatives of their target audience to their profiles. The overall Connection Rate (percentage of approved connection requests) for the group was 85%, indicating a positive attitude of the target audience towards the ANCOR brand and its employees. Their profiles on social networks inspire trust.
  • Content published by the participants reached a combined audience of 13,000+ individuals. This indicates that the content is relevant and interesting to the target audience of ANCOR.
  • The participants have started receiving regular invitations to HR conferences, offers to publish articles, and inquiries about job vacancies at ANCOR. Some participants have already taken on roles as speakers, authors of thematic articles, and successfully filled job positions. This demonstrates that the ambassadors' profiles on social media exude expertise and establish ANCOR as a desirable employer among potential candidates.
  • The participants have outlined plans for the development of their profiles for the next three months and continue to systematically enhance their personal pages on LinkedIn.
The ANCOR team continues to develop the Employee Advocacy program for its employees. They conduct workshops for their ambassadors, share new helpful materials, facilitate knowledge sharing among participants, and track the program's effectiveness.
I'm thrilled with how the project was organized within ANCOR! Not only did our colleagues put in significant preparatory work, but they also remained engaged with us throughout the entire project, sharing necessary materials to make our program more relevant and applicable for the participants. It certainly had a positive impact on the results. I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers from ANCOR for their responsibility and involvement in the process.
Valeria Fomenko
Lead Mentor for the Social Selling Group at ModumUp
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