Building the Profile
Our initial focus was on the LinkedIn profile of a business development and sales leader for the region. The target audience demonstrated a high level of trust, with an average connection request acceptance rate of 43%.
Before collaborating with ModumUp, the client’s profile had approximately 400 connections but was mostly inactive. The page primarily featured job vacancy announcements and lacked meaningful engagement with other users.
Approach to Content
We began by posting about the client’s work, the growth of e-commerce in Central Asia and global markets, AI developments, and industry event reports. Naturally, we also highlighted the opportunities offered by the AdTech startup, but we kept the messaging subtle and integrated. Posts were framed as helpful recommendations written from a first-person perspective.
We adopted a light, conversational tone, avoiding overly detailed or dense posts. Instead, we used short paragraphs, humor, and well-placed emojis to maintain engagement. The client actively contributed by commenting on posts from colleagues and members of the target audience, participating in discussions, and sharing thoughtful insights.
Posts That Resonated Most
Personal stories and posts that blended professional and personal topics—such as the client’s education and career journey—consistently received strong engagement.
Updates about company news from the region also performed well, with followers responding positively to success stories. These posts helped build trust in both the profile owner and the company itself.
One particularly successful company update achieved record-breaking results, garnering 47,393 views, 615 likes, and a View Rate of 1,707.28%. The post offered followers a behind-the-scenes look at the company’s culture and operations, fostering transparency and openness, qualities highly valued in the business community.
Balancing Professional and Personal Content
Part of the content strategy involved including personal topics, which appeal to a broader audience and help build trust. Identifying themes was straightforward, as the client shared their interests and personal reflections during our calls.
For instance, a post celebrating the client’s birthday presented an excellent opportunity to connect with followers. The client reflected on personal milestones and expressed gratitude, resulting in 49,398 views, 619 likes, and a View Rate of 1,468.43%. Personal posts like this were published about once a month to maintain a balanced mix of informal and professional content.
Expertise and Vision
Expert and thought leadership posts were pivotal in positioning the client as a professional in their field, enhancing credibility with potential partners and clients. While specialized content often attracts less engagement than personal stories or event-related posts, the opposite occurred here. Topics like micromanagement, marketing analytics, and e-commerce struck a chord with the audience, generating significant attention.
One standout example was a marketing research post focused on the FMCG market in the region. The post shared intriguing statistics and invited readers to request the full report in the comments. It received 52 comments, sparking personal conversations with connections. In addition to achieving a high View Rate, the post helped identify potential clients among the client’s network.
Lead Generation Through Direct Messages
Meanwhile, our work in direct messaging was in full swing. After connecting with each new member of the target audience, we initiated a conversation. Initially, we employed a straightforward lead generation strategy by sending a sales-oriented message. In this message, the expert introduced themselves and briefly outlined solutions for online advertising and market analytics. The message also referenced a case study showcasing how the platform helped a major client halve their cost per conversion. It concluded with an invitation to schedule a short call to discuss potential collaboration.
This approach generated 12 leads from large companies, resulting in meetings.
Additionally, 29 potential clients expressed interest in the offer and provided their contact details for follow-up. The influx of leads eventually became overwhelming for the company representative, prompting us to adjust the messaging strategy, shifting from direct sales to a networking-focused approach.
Networking-Focused Approach
In the revised messaging strategy, we removed the direct sales pitch and focused on building professional connections. The expert introduced themselves and expressed gratitude for the new connection, mentioning their intent to share valuable content, such as case studies, advertising tips, industry news, and event highlights. They also emphasized their willingness to exchange ideas and share experiences on marketing-related topics.
Even without a direct sales pitch, this approach continued to yield impressive results. It generated 7 additional leads, and the number of interested prospects who provided their contact details surpassed that of the initial sales message, reaching 55 representatives of the target audience.